Monday, February 14, 2011

1st Valentine's Day We Spend(:

Dear,this post is to record what happen today.
Hmmm,lets start from the moment we step out of house.
Alright,we went to take cab to amk hub and then you went to que for pepper lunch,
And i went to buy movie ticket.
was damn blooding long la the que.
After buying the movie ticket for 'what woman want',i went to secretly buy a bouquet of flower.
Then i went to pepper lunch to meet u to have our dinner.
After our dinner,i was thinking how to lure u to ntuc near-by.
just nice u say u wan go tiolet so i say go ntuc there de.
after u come out i shock u with a bouquet of flower and from your reaction i can tell that 'wth,why u go spend money to buy flower for me',am i correct?
After giving u the flower we went to ntuc to shop for your prizes for your total defence thing.
Walk about 15min we went up to the arcade to take neo-print.
The shots was ok but the decorating part make us went 'Fuck that machine'
After taking we went into the theater for our movie.
It was a nice because i am watching with YOU!
And my idol also casting the show.
It ended around 10.55.
Went to wait bus with u.
while waiting we took picture too.
Around 5min the bus arrive then u board up.
The most Fucking thing is i am on the phone and didnt manage to give u a hug):
After you went up i was like emo sia.

Dear, Hope to spend another valentines day with you!
Love You beyond your imagination, give You the tightest hug i can give and lastly giving you the longest kiss i can give.
No matter what happen i will always be there when u need me and tell me anything if you need,i will be there to listen too.
Finally,Happy 1st Valentine's Day With You

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